In the field of industrial property the broad term “mark“ includes, in particular, the following institutions:
Trade Mark |
Company Name |
Domain Name |
Trade Dress |
Geographical Indication |
Destination of Origin |
Trademark is the standard and mostly used legal institution for the protection. The trademark owner has exclusive rights to use the trademark for the covered goods/services in trade and to forbid the use to the competitors. The distinctive ability is a necessary condition for a trademark to be registered. The Czech Trademark registration is valid for ten years and can be renewed ad infinitum.
For trade marks we also provide for licence, pledge, renewal, assignment and other official recordals as well as monitoring and search services, including assessment of the registrability. We also represent clients in dispute proceedings held before Administrative Authorities and Courts (oppositions, invalidation/revocation actions, infringement upon rights to marks etc.).
Please note that the above costs are not fixed. We normally offer quantity discount and other bonuses as a result of long-term cooperation. So, do not hesitate and contact us in order to come to mutual agreement on the best protection and cost policy.